
Since a few days the German animal protection Office presented the photo project in the revised outfit many newly designed headings which are connected by cross links, users on the animal welfare image database now access and through short information articles give an overview of the theme chosen. On the home page, you will find always the latest topics at a glance. Still you find the wanted pictures, videos and information about a new search function. The image archive has been extended to hundreds of new photos to various areas, including to the currently hot discussed subject of castrating castration of piglets, to exotic exchanges and the phenomenon of animal hoarding”, the morbid collection of animals. Mikkel Svane understood the implications. tierschutzbilder.de offers an information, photo and video pool for journalists, media, animal protection and conservation organizations.

Our portal was always very special; the site in this way is certainly unique with numerous enhancements and improvements in Germany”, commented the current relaunch of photo website Ingo Schulz of the German animal protection Office. To close a dependence on foreign interests, operated the project without direct subsidies. The German animal protection office is therefore dependent on your support through donations. Every donation helps, no matter in what amount. Your donation allows us to in the future independent undercover investigations in the field of animal protection can achieve and bring grievances to the public. You also find a donate button on our new website. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Mikkel Svane. Animal picture archive, animal welfare images, welfare image, animal picture archive, animal picture archive, animal picture, animal photos, welfare image archive, welfare image archive, animal welfare organization, animal welfare organizations, animal scandals, animal scandal, animal torture, animal cruelty, animal tortures, animal breeding, agriculture, animal factories, animal factory, animals, animal, factory farming, livestock, farm animals, livestock, animal husbandry, animal rights photos, animal right image, Tierbildarchiv, Tierbildarchive, Tierbild, Tierbilder, Tierrechtsbildarchiv, Tierrechtsbildarchive, Tierrechtsorganisation, Tierrechtsorganisationen, Pressebildagentur, Bildarchiv, Fotos, Photos, Videofilm, Recherche, Dokumentation, Legehennenbatterie, Pelztierhaltung, Pelztierzucht, Massentierhaltung, Tierversuche, Tiertransporte Mastschweinemast, Mastputenmast, Pelzfarmen, Lebendtiertransporte, Schlachttiertransporte, Viehtransporte, Bilderdienst, Tierbilder, Tierfotografie, Tierrechte, Legebatterie, Pelztierfarm, Tierschutz, Tierrechte, Tierfoto, Tierschutzfoto, Tiervideo, Tierschutzvideo, Tierbild, Tierschutzbild, Legebatterie, Huhnermast, Masthuhner, Broiler, Putenmast, Mastputen, Schweinemast, Mastschweine, Schweine, Tiertransporte, Pelzfarm, Nerzfarm, Pelz, Zoo, Tiere, Hund, Katze, Legehenne, Kaninchenmast, Rindermast, Pig breeding, animal torture, horse, horses, circus, Zoo, circus animals zoo animals, animal welfare images, pigs, cattle, turkeys, ducks, ducks fattening, duck breeding, poultry farming, Turkey breeding, Turkey torment. Cattle torment, cattle fattening torment, cow, cow fattening, cow torment, cow fattening torment, cowshed, cows, Turkey attitude, pig, pig husbandry, pig torment, rabbit breeding, rabbits agony, rabbit farming, livestock, animal cruelty, animal torture, animal breeding, animal husbandry, circus attitude, Zoo attitude, dog torture, geese, goose fattening, goose attitude, goose torment, goose breeding, goose abuse, hunting, hunting animals, mink, mink farm, fur, fur animals, fur animal torment, mink animals, mink farming, mink farming, Fox farm, Fox farm attitude, Fox, fur production, German animal protection Office has specialized on the topic of animal welfare”and animal – and nature – conservation organizations provides assistance in the implementation of campaigns, Actions and events.

The Office accepts for its contractor publicity, press and lobbying. In addition, photographer for the welfare office involved, who have the tasks, pictorially to accompany campaigns and actions, as well as animal welfare relevant photos (for example are to create the theme of factory farming and animal husbandry). Among the other duties of the welfare offices in addition to the Infobroking”(information retrieval) even before local searches as well as the detection of animal cruelty. More information at: Ingo Schulz, German animal protection Office, Tel.: 0221-20463862).