The aloes are in full bloom and along with the Quince’s Garden have been highlighted in our area during the past few days. We hope that the strongest frosts have been in the past, since this year had few but very strong some oversights ended up with some of our plants. With longer days and warmer temperature begins to reactivate the vegetative activity, above all after the first rains, so it is time to design and prepare the flower beds and green spaces of our gardens. We must be prepared to prevent the arrival of fungi and pests, also starting their activity. Fruit harvesting lemons, finish with the pruning of arbors, Apple, peach and plum trees.
Starting work at the foot of the fruit trees, undergrowth cleaning, aerated and paid. Apply fungicides (Bordeaux) treatments. Rosales. Finish pruning the rosebushes and as in like the fruit clean weed stonemasons, loosen the Earth surface, and can fertilize with organic fertilizers as the compost. If the Rose was attacked by fungi or parasites, last year, then you should begin preventive treatments, you can brush the branches with an application of water and neutral SOAP or with complementary (organic) insecticides and fungicides that can be mixed in the same application if the attack was severe the previous year…
A way to prevent diseases, is to place our rosales in the most appropriate places of light, Sun and moisture, with a proper soil rich in organic matter, that produces strong, disease-resistant plants.(it is still on time from transplanting). And let the application of drugs only as a last resource plants in general clean the beds of weeds, use humus or compost, apply the same mixture of preventive treatment that we said for a los rosales, in plants, shrubs and trees. Already the flower beds and planters can decorate with thoughts that there are many and varied colors and can be planted directly many floral, like toad mouth, vetch, mats, carnation, etc lawn on the lawn, is time of sowing or planting where needed. Began moreover already much weed leaf growth broadband, is time to delete them, can be done in several ways, now mention two, the first is start of root, expected to after a day of rain the ground softens and is easier, but it takes patience and effort but it is worth. The other is to apply selective weeds mata, this may cause yellowish patches on the lawn, in addition to attacking the middle. In terms of working tools don’t forget to sharpen blades, clean the lawn mower and applying a fungicide, if it is a nafta change oil if necessary. Winter break ends, it is time to work in CostJardines.