Fat-Burning Foods

The foods that they include in the diets to burn fat and that help to burn fat include rich fiber foods and proteins. Your body uses a great amount of calories to digest these foods which helps you to burn fat. Therefore more of these foods than you eat, greasier you burned. That they must incorporate the diets to burn fat You must have a diet that incorporates of efficient way a good combination of these foods to obtain the best results. A diet to burn ideal fat will be made up of thin proteins, complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables. The foods that can help to reduce the fat do not have to be ignored in your program to construct the muscles.

It will help you to let grow thin muscles and faster. Dells opinions are not widely known. Next leeras the basic types of foods that can ayudarte burn fat quickly. The proteins are the first foods in the list, these burn fat. Approximately 30% of the caloric content of the protein take to obtain that it is digested. The protein also aid a to suppress the hunger and helps you to eat less. Proteins of good quality include in the white meat like the chicken and turkey, fish, thin red meat, clear of egg and low milky fat products. The vegetal proteins as soya and the kidney beans are in this list.

Your diet to burn fat must consist of a good protein measurement whenever you eat. The cabohidratos in the diets to burn fat the following food group of a diet to burn fat are the complex carbohydrates. The complex carbohydrates have contained fiber stop and are slow in the digestion. The slow time of digestion aid to use more calories and destroys the fat in the process. By all means, the best carbohydrates are the foods of grain whole number like oats. You do not incline process by carbohydrates. The treatment of these before leaving to the market always leaves with less nutrients and the reduced fiber content them. Another group in this food list in a diet to burn fat is the diurticos. The diurticos are natural foods that contain substances that increase the rate metabolic and to help the body to burn more fat. Some examples are the green tea, Chile, the apple cider vinegar, citruses, etc. When one eats, these foods release substances in your body that help to accelerate your metabolism. If you are not safe after where to begin, watches east video step by step now. To see video on as burning fat and losing weight.


In our center by maintaining a pregnancy with any time. Ideally, it is recommended to register for pregnancies 6-7 weeks. Then the doctor will examine you in the very beginning of pregnancy, immediately identify potential problems and plan the prevention of possible complications of pregnancy. A pregnancy principle: "To prevent is always better than cure" is especially relevant because choice of drugs that can be used in this state, always very limited. What as is the management in pregnancy? First of all, it involves regular inspections of the obstetrician-gynecologist.

In the first three months of one every three to four weeks depending on the state of health, in the second trimester of 1 every 2 weeks and then 1 again a week. Before each appointment you will pass urine (renal – a very important indicator of pregnancy). At the reception you will have to weigh, measure your pressure, abdominal circumference and the size of the uterus. You will be fully informed about what can and can not during pregnancy, you will advise and gymnastics courses for pregnant women, will answer all your questions. The doctor, watching your pregnancy is available to you at any time. You can contact him on the phone and get all the necessary consultations. When registering pregnant examining physician, performed an electrocardiogram, then give up a large package of tests: blood count, blood chemistry, the study blood clotting, blood group and Rh factor, blood infections TORCH-complex, hepatitis B and C, syphilis and hiv.

Obstetrician-gynecologist examines you on a chair, takes a swab on the flora, tests for sexually transmitted infections. Be sure to look around the cervix, the cytological study of its surface. When the tests are complete, the doctor, depending on their results, develop a plan of pregnancy, will tell you how to properly eat, what foods to choose. When detected in the analysis of deviations from the norm may require additional examination. Pregnant necessarily passes consult a dentist, ophthalmologist, ent doctor. In the presence of chronic diseases of internal organs – consult an appropriate professional. At normal flows of pregnancy fetal ultrasound performed three times: at 10-14, 20-24 and 30-34 weeks. The ultrasound will evaluate the health of the fetus, its development, to exclude malformations of internal organs. After 24 weeks, with Doppler study examines the bloodstream of the fetus, which is an indicator of fetal supply of nutrients and oxygen. When need ultrasound pregnancy can be performed more frequently. In our clinic during pregnancy, two prenatal screening: the 10-13 and 14-18 weeks. These studies allow us to exclude the genetic pathology of the fetus – a syndrome Down's syndrome, Edwards and severe malformations of the nervous system. Prenatal screening in our clinic is conducted by a special computer program that, given all the factors that make for reliable result. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Castle Harlan has to say. In a period of 30 weeks, all the tests even with a normal pregnancy are repeated. At the hands of pregnant issued exchange card, which contains all the information about pregnancy, the results survey. If necessary, be issued a medical certificate for registration of maternity leave. The observation in our clinic can be extended to 36 weeks, after which the pregnant woman is transferred under the supervision of a physician maternity home. We collaborate with the best maternity hospitals in Moscow and will give you direct "hands" to the doctor, whom you choose. But despite this, you can always consult with a doctor who watched you on pregnancy. And when your baby is born, you can always consult your doctor for advice and guidance. We wish you a happy pregnancy and easy delivery!

Stem Cells

Stem cells are called progenitor cells, from which can be formed by all other types of cells, which already make up the human body. The term "stem cell" was first introduced in 1908 by Russian hematologist from St. Petersburg Maksimov. Significant amount of stem cell research conducted hematologists A. Friedenstein and ai Chertkov in Russia since the late 60's. The discovery of stem cells is in line with such great achievements of mankind as the discovery of double-stranded dna chain, or anti-bacterial properties of penicillin. The journal Science named the 1999 "Year of stem cells." Perfect stem cells are cells of blastocyst.

These are cells of the human embryo, from which later formed the entire body. Such cells according to the classification assigned to the most versatile and called totipotent. As the embryo cells gradually differentiated, that is, there is a gradual specialization of these cells. Such cells are called pluripotent. The resulting abortion abortive material is the source of so-called embryonic or fetal stem cells.

These cells are found active application in cellular technology treatment of various diseases. In established human body has about 1012 hundred different types of cells. They require constant replacement as they are aging and dying off. This function is performed by the replacement stem cells that circulate in the bloodstream. Such cells are called multipotent because they have more specialization. In multipotent cells enter the bloodstream from the bone marrow, which serves as a depot for stem cells. Throughout the life of a person in the bone marrow are pluripotent stem cells.

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