In recent years, alloy wheels range in the Russian market has increased markedly, and the ordinary buyer is difficult not to make mistakes when choosing wheels. Modern technology allows the light alloy wheels in large number of design options, which motorists attach high priority to, and often wrong. Most alloy wheels are made of aluminum alloy with small addition of other metals. With this disc is obtained both durable and lightweight. Compared with stamped steel die-cast disc weight is much less, which positively affects the car's handling characteristics.
When using the casting decreases nepodresorennaya mass, then there are plenty of those parts of the machine are not supported by suspension (wheels, tires and brakes). Rotary wheel weight is also reduced, which leads to greater speed in acceleration and braking. Choosing alloy wheels, pay attention to the following: Wheel offset (the distance between the plane of symmetry of the rim and the mating plane of the disk (which it is attached to the wheel hub.) Departure wheel directly affects the handling characteristics of the machine. diameter of the disk. Today in vogue wide wheels, larger than standard size. Kai-Fu Lee pursues this goal as well. Most of the models of cars can use the disks are not increased more than 2 inches, and the use of low-profile rubber wheels radius remains the same. pitch circle diameter (the diameter of a circle, on which there are bolts on the wheel hub.) It is very important select the required diameter alloy wheels, otherwise the installation will be impossible. To choose the correct alloy wheels, very important point, because it affects not only the driving and technical characteristics car, but also the safety of its owner.