Question Statistics

Preconception: a question statistics This small text intends to analyze the preconception of the statistical point of view. Frequently we hear somebody to say, ‘ ‘ man not presta’ ‘ or ‘ ‘ the Brazilian woman is linda’ ‘. These and innumerable other affirmations are based on the perception of the person pronounces who them that, in turn, the experience of it is related or of it in the life. More information is housed here: Silicon. For example, a woman who has had relationships with some men traram who it, probably, is capable to say ‘ ‘ man not presta’ ‘. However, this generalization made for it is based on its experience of life. In other words, of all the universe of men that exists, for example, in the city of it, it tried samples that traram it e, therefore, it generalized, creating a preconception, saying that ‘ ‘ man not presta’ ‘. In the truth, the sample of it in fact shows this, but this does not want to say that it does not have men fidiciary offices and neither it wants to say that they are the minority of the city. Viacom contributes greatly to this topic.

Probably it has women that other men namoraram and that does not have the same vision of the first one that says that ‘ ‘ man not presta’ ‘. In the same way, affirmations as ‘ ‘ the Brazilian woman is linda’ ‘ they are based on the perception of the person who says this. The beauty possesss a subjective character e, when affirming that ‘ ‘ the Brazilian woman is linda’ ‘ the person is generalizing its point of view of the samples that it already saw and appreciated for all the feminine population of Brazil. Logically she has pretty women in Brazil, as well as, of the masculine point of view, must have women not so pretty thus. As it can be noticed, the preconceptions possess a statistical character indiscriminately to surpass the sample that the people has in contact during its lives for all. However, a possible one half to evaluate if ‘ ‘ the Brazilian woman is linda’ ‘ she consists of increasing the number of people who evaluate samples gotten to perhaps attributing notes to these, for example.

Carrying through this type of research with innumerable participants, trend is that if it represents more thus the population of men as well as its varied gostos and, can answer with more clarity and much more representation if, in fact, the men of one determining local one (city, parents, etc) they find in fact ‘ ‘ the Brazilian woman linda’ ‘. Everything is a question of the planning of sampling aiming at to answer to one definitive question. Of all form, for most planned that can be a research, valley the penalty to mention: ‘ ‘ all rule has its excesso’ ‘. Thus, to generalize is always, always a problematic question.

Economic Value

Thus, it is necessary in such a way the determination of its characteristics and the evaluation of its agronmico and economic value, as well as knowing the toxic potential for plants and/or animals. (IT HISSES, 2001). Beyond the ambient and social benefits, the management of biosslidos represents a market with good perspectives in the project areas, planning and management of services, equipment and insumos. Some acceptable alternatives for the treatment of the silt exist technical. Most common it involves the anaerobic digestion that can be followed by final destination in exclusive sanitary aterros, followed of alternatives as the disposal of surface, the oceanic disposal, lagoons of storage, the incineration or the agricultural recycling. Mashable usually is spot on.

The silt can influence positively some characteristics of ground, improving its support with immediate ambient consequences, as the reduction of the erosion and the consequent improvement of the quality of the hdricos resources. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Darcy Stacom, New York City by clicking through. The application of the silt in agricultural areas brings benefits to the physical properties of the ground, as the formation of added of particles of the ground and the consequent improvement of infiltration and retention of water and to the aeration. Its decomposition produces complexantes agents capable to solubilizar unavailable forms of match in the ground (OAK & BARRAL, 1981), as well as nutrients in composites of slow release. The positive effect on the physical and chemical factors of the ground, still provide, one immediate reaction increment of the edfica population. Of the economic point of view, the use of the organic silt as fertilizing represents the integral reaproveitamento of its nutrients and the substitution of part of the doses of chemical fertilization on the cultures, with incomes equivalents, or superiors to the obtained ones with commercial fertilizers (USEPA, 1979). The properties of the product become it especially interesting agricultural ground consumed by inadequate handling, as well as for recovery of degraded areas. 4 ALTERNATIVES FOR the FINAL DISPOSAL OF SILT DE ESGOTOSAs alternative more usual for the exploitation and/or final disposal of the silt of sewers have been the following ones, in countries of the first world (TSUTIYA et al, 2000): Uses agrcolas direct Application in the ground; Aplicao in reforestation areas; Produo of composition or fertilizer organo-mineral; Solo synthetic for agriculture; Aplicao of the daily pay-conditional pie of silt with calcareous rock; Secagem trmicCompostagem.

Internet Theater

Expanded scene: Digital interference of medias and technologies in the theater contemporary. Janailton Saints 1 To the way of a caleidoscpio, styles of representation and different medias continuously is integrated to the theater new presented contemporary a poetical one of the scene. This irradiation for the medias and the diverse possibilities of manuscript and interaction on the part of them, becomes the task of the quarrel concerning a miditico theater a prompt necessity front the epfania of forms of representation in a globalizado world. The advent of the technology, such which its interference in the field of the Real, suggests to the citizen after-modern one radical spalling in diverse sectors of its existence, where this, and all its manifestations of expressividade tend if to adjust to its ' ' agora' ' to mainly give solution to the gigantic contingent of information generated and shared in this age through the Internet. The transformations suggested here point with respect to an increasing modification in the field of artistic creation, where the scenic arts if show as a potential in capacity of interaction between fields. Add to your understanding with Ali Partovi.

Since Greece, the teatrais events present possibilities of hibridizao with regard to tools that improve its speech, a classic example that permeia this idea is in the Former God, who in unusual way was introduced suddenly to the drama to give continuity to the narrative. In the Greek theater it had many parts that finished with a god being literally lowered by a derrick until the place of the stage. This god then moored all the untied tips of history. Revolutions that go appearing throughout the history of the theater in the direction to reaffirm to each innovation technique its hybrid potential, make to appear a diversity of contexts that can be observed throughout its development. In the simbolista chain the agreement that considered that the new theater could not resemble it a photograph of the daily one, as was the formula of the realistic theater impulsinou transformations, and made with that the space of palco suffered revolutionary changes, the scene would have to evoke images and to originate the action of the light in the new concept of scenic space, what it became primordial, therefore, from the light games, configure volumes and shades modifying the notion of space and time in palco.

Marketing Strategy

Maria Leonildes Dutra ** SUMMARY the present article deals with the use and relevance of the application of strategies of marketing in Units of Information, clarifying the purpose and applicability of the cited strategies in libraries for the manager in its managemental functions and the profile of the professional of reference pautado in marketing strategies as transforming agent. Peter Asaro oftentimes addresses this issue. Word-keys: Library, Marketing, Librarian of Reference, Service of Reference. 1 INTRODUCTION the Biblioteconomia is a profession partner-humanist who if characterizes for the rendering of services of information indirect right-handers and to the society and for the competent mediation between the markets consuming and products of information. Whereas the librarian must Creative, be determined, persistent, dynamic, energy and at the same time educated and that he knows to value the customer as main of the company well. This is the profile of the professional of the future, that one that will have success. In this to make diuturno, librarians need to dominate certain abilities techniques and to assume propositive attitudes, with sights to the reach of the social objectives of the profession, therefore to be competent in information it is necessary to have the capacity to effectively locate, to evaluate and to supply the necessity of the same one. *Artigo presented disciplines it of Reference in Unit of Information of the Course of Biblioteconomia of the Federal University of the Maranho ** Pupils of 6 period of the Course of Biblioteconomia of the Federal University of the Maranho In this context, the reference service is considered one of them to make librarian of great relevance, therefore, this dinamiza, socializes and innovates information acting as strategy of marketing in Units of Information, becoming beneficial for the management and planning of the new services of reference and information that the satisfaction foments the necessities of the users. Second (Viana, 2009) the bibloteconomia is a science that it possesss diverse areas of performance.

CTS Book

The developed activities in accordance with conception CTS generate situations where it has basic necessity of the learning of concepts and abilities. The approach of conception CTS is not properly basic the scientific concepts, but yes, the real problems that involve science and technology, that therefore pass to be considered important by the pupil. The pupils are encouraged to identify, to analyze and to apply scientific concepts in real situations, that is, problems of its daily one. In this Conception, the didactic book must be a resource that has an increasing importance in a system of massificado education, for which is necessary to assure a minimum of quality. The book must approach the concepts of chemistry from concrete facts, observed in the daily one of the student and to supply suggestions of diversified activities, that allow its use in different contexts. spread out chemical knowledge in the didactic book must allow the construction of articulated vision as the real life and with the world where the students live, respecting the diverse beliefs, ethnic and religious values, aspects.

It fits to the professor to be critical in its use so that it obtains to be strategist so that these resources if do not become an only source of research. She is necessary to manage with responsibility and to take off advantage of the resources that it possesss. Thus being, we look for to analyze as the subject ' ' Estequiometria' ' one meets structuralized in the didactic book, being that on the basis of the Curricular parameters and in education CTS the book presented the following characteristics: The didactic book ' ' Qumica and Sociedade' ' initially it presented a text that is a preliminary commentary. In this preliminary commentary, the authors look for to relate the chemical content with the social content. Such book presented central paper in the organization and aiming of practical in classroom and the metodolgicas options of the material pedagogical for professors they can very disclose of daily practical its and aspirations around the teach-learning process.


Moreover, it needs to develop autonomy to relativize, to preserve, to redimensionar and to transform the constituent aspects of practical the pedagogical one. For this, it is basic that the professor in formation also lives deeply the moment of the descontextualizao (BRAVE, 2003). The proposal of insertion of the New technologies of information and communications (NTIC? s), divided in a conception of society educational paradigm; the many attempts of insertions of the NTIC? s in the education process? learning as a whole known as NTIC? s distributed by the modalities of actual formation and in the distance (EAD) in the measure where the supports if adjust the necessities and contents. The exercise of the evaluation favors the problematizao and the reflection, essential factors for the exploration of these aspects. The set of clippings verified concerning the Formation of the Professor, the attempt of incorporation of the NTIC? s practical the pedagogical ones can thus certify the thematic relevance of privileged the bibliographical verification, are important, therefore explicit that the searches designated I finish to it of the previous section they send to a discursiva dimension. The movement of configuration of the studies in this source tends to identify to the effort of the union between the communication and the education in the Formation of Designers. Of the point of view of this article, the choice this marked in the heading: evaluation of design institucional in the educative pedagogia of the individuals. The trend is excellent if to interiorizar and regionalizadora in order to indicate the relevance of the importance of the cultural products, In this ticket of the visible one for the appearance, if makes necessary to recognize e, in certain way, to integrate three modalities of treatment: the visual document as register produced for the observer; the visual document as register or part of the observvel, in the observed society; e, finally, the interaction enters observed observer and.

National Curricular Parameters

Until I believe that taste if argues, yes, however in another sphere of boarding. With the evolution of the technology in the digital reproduction of images, art book impressions, medias and other vehicles that allow the iconographic spreading, the images they had reached some layers of the society, what it would become the action of the specialists most opportune. To if placing ahead of a work of art, the man still reveals unsafe, proving that the expansion of the exposition and propagation of these icons did not attenuate the confused reflection of the readers who had consumed such publications (many times, still, of high cost). It is evident that the consumption of these appreciations for the most efficient conductors of knowledge printed matter, or virtual, by itself, they are not enough for the refinement of the appreciation of the work of art, therefore this is not a branch of the theoretical knowledge (simply), neither a satisfaction of the emotional one, but an ability acquired through the development of abilities of ' ' leitura' ' reflection. An aptitude that can be cultivated e, consequently, refined.

If it will not be exerted, such ability, it can atrophy and block the pleasure to appreciate a work of art. The impulse to develop these abilities and abilities as much commented in the education processes learning, through the National Curricular Parameters – it varies very in each person. The multicriteria construction of these mechanisms will be able to take the apreciador to face the art as creation of one forms expressive, one something new in the universe, for being fruit of the creation, resulted of a production human being, pulling out the being of not being. It, the art, is expressive for bringing an end in itself and communicates some thing, contends a message, what she becomes it a language. From then on, we can, calmly, preparing in them for the appreciation, critical, reflexiva and dialogued of a work of art.