To speak on this subject without banalizar it. Considering, that the sex is a natural activity in the process of development of the human being and standing out that its practical and personal and close. Many parents and educators not yet give the due attention that educating needs in this period of discovery of its privacy, moment importantssimo where its necessary curiosity to be filled with adequate knowledge its etria band, and giving to importance the particularitities of each child. Teaching on its body, giving emphasis its genital parts, and the main cares that if must have with the same one, as much with respect to the hygiene and clearly to talk with them regarding sexually transmissible illnesses and as we give to the importance the prevention of such illnesses. something that we do not have to forget is to dialogue with the child regarding its privacy. Thus it comes to understand that each person has its summons, its emotions, its desires and wills, and to understand that she is normal of each person. that the individual has its time of sexual maturation and to know to respect its body, not leaving that others touch it its body thus comes to denigrate its privacy, since not yet it is prepared biological and mentally for the sexual activity.
This project appeared from the necessity of if including in the pertaining to school scope the thematic sexuality, having as analysis of research, lectures and wheels of colloquies, that will become fullfilled with the pupils of the College Ours Lady of the Carmo, ages between 10 the 17 years registered the basic and average education of the same. Where we will go to approach subjects related with the human body, as well as its structural and functional factors that characterize the reproductive system. Moreover, the present project has as objective to extend the knowledge and the understanding of the content that says respect to the sexuality.