Also he contributed for the establishment of the culture, transmitting to the men the basic concepts, as the culture of the cassava, the confection of flutes and musics. As well as asurin explained one: everything what was invented by the indian, was taught by Mahira. For Durham (1984), the culture constitutes a process of which the men guide and give meant to the actions through a symbolic manipulation that is basic attribute for all practical human being. She is necessary to still stand out the influence of the white in the health of asurin. The etiology asurin distinguishes two types of illnesses. Of a side they are those that result of a contact with supernatural (the illnesses of Karowara) the e, of another one, excessively known. In this second classroom, is to those classified as illnesses of Christian white/(grippe, measles, pneumonia, catapora, etc.). The illnesses of Christian white/had been the cause of a great loss of life enter asurin of Trocar.
As anthropologist Lcia Andrade verifies, the official contact of asurin with the front of attraction of the Service of Protection to the Indian was given in March of 1953. In the same year of the contact, fifty indians had more than died of grippe and dysentery. This is a described period for asurin as a time where it did not have nor time to embed all its deceased. At the beginning of century XX, more necessarily it enters the decades of 20, 30 and 40, asurin had stopped one strong battle against the whites, and the reason was the construction of the Railroad Tocantins. This Railroad crossed its territory, at this time, asurin lived with the Parakan.
The result was the death of many indians and whites in conflicts. Currently asurin lives in the Aboriginal Land It will change, in a land with 21.722 hectares of extension. Stories say that they had originated from the region of the Xingu, where lived with the Parakan, constituting in the past, an only people.