In synthesis, it affirms Mendes (2001: 194) that: What we pressentimos, certainly, is directs in them for a moment of poetical fullness where it goes to consummate itself, in perfect and integral way, all the poetry that so far has gushed out, of the romantic revolutionaries to the revolutionary contemporaries, exuberant, and tumulturiamente. adds (2001: 195): The question is not to argue if the poet can or he cannot versificar to the old one, and yes to know if its poetry he demands or not, at the moment, this versificao, if for its substance it asks for itself a commanded and disciplined form. As all language, the verse has that to be adjusted to the nature of the substance that it states. As to be able to verify in way more concrete later, by means of the reading and analysis of Last Chords, Jose Ildone if uses sufficiently of a language more searched carefully worked, characteristic marcante of the Parnasianismo, however is not worried in such a way about the estruturao of the poem, that does not present a parnasiana canonic form, as soneto, or another one any tipificada; Ildone is free to write in the way that to find more adequate to express the text of its poem. Apple insists that this is the case. It defines Pablo Mendes who the world of the poet contemporary is the world supply-Real, responsible for the phenomena of the exterior world and the interior world. For in such a way, it affirms professor (2001: 189), ' ' the poet must practise a total freedom of the spirit, an expansion of I, whom more does not restrict its borders and tends to dilatar itself until infinito' ' , making to disappear the existing dualism between ' ' eu' ' the Universe. Finally, in accordance with what it points Alfredo Bosi (2006), to recognize the contemporaneidade it does not mean to cut the lines that articulate its literature with the Modernismo, but to only identify the new historical configurations that will demand new artistic experiences; a poet is, therefore, a man of its time, and never we must forgetting in them this. . Learn more about this with Koch.