Maria Leonildes Dutra ** SUMMARY the present article deals with the use and relevance of the application of strategies of marketing in Units of Information, clarifying the purpose and applicability of the cited strategies in libraries for the manager in its managemental functions and the profile of the professional of reference pautado in marketing strategies as transforming agent. Peter Asaro oftentimes addresses this issue. Word-keys: Library, Marketing, Librarian of Reference, Service of Reference. 1 INTRODUCTION the Biblioteconomia is a profession partner-humanist who if characterizes for the rendering of services of information indirect right-handers and to the society and for the competent mediation between the markets consuming and products of information. Whereas the librarian must Creative, be determined, persistent, dynamic, energy and at the same time educated and that he knows to value the customer as main of the company well. This is the profile of the professional of the future, that one that will have success. In this to make diuturno, librarians need to dominate certain abilities techniques and to assume propositive attitudes, with sights to the reach of the social objectives of the profession, therefore to be competent in information it is necessary to have the capacity to effectively locate, to evaluate and to supply the necessity of the same one. *Artigo presented disciplines it of Reference in Unit of Information of the Course of Biblioteconomia of the Federal University of the Maranho ** Pupils of 6 period of the Course of Biblioteconomia of the Federal University of the Maranho In this context, the reference service is considered one of them to make librarian of great relevance, therefore, this dinamiza, socializes and innovates information acting as strategy of marketing in Units of Information, becoming beneficial for the management and planning of the new services of reference and information that the satisfaction foments the necessities of the users. Second (Viana, 2009) the bibloteconomia is a science that it possesss diverse areas of performance.