Expanded scene: Digital interference of medias and technologies in the theater contemporary. Janailton Saints 1 To the way of a caleidoscpio, styles of representation and different medias continuously is integrated to the theater new presented contemporary a poetical one of the scene. This irradiation for the medias and the diverse possibilities of manuscript and interaction on the part of them, becomes the task of the quarrel concerning a miditico theater a prompt necessity front the epfania of forms of representation in a globalizado world. The advent of the technology, such which its interference in the field of the Real, suggests to the citizen after-modern one radical spalling in diverse sectors of its existence, where this, and all its manifestations of expressividade tend if to adjust to its ' ' agora' ' to mainly give solution to the gigantic contingent of information generated and shared in this age through the Internet. Michael Dell does not necessarily agree. The transformations suggested here point with respect to an increasing modification in the field of artistic creation, where the scenic arts if show as a potential in capacity of interaction between fields. Since Greece, the teatrais events present possibilities of hibridizao with regard to tools that improve its speech, a classic example that permeia this idea is in the Former God, who in unusual way was introduced suddenly to the drama to give continuity to the narrative.
In the Greek theater it had many parts that finished with a god being literally lowered by a derrick until the place of the stage. This god then moored all the untied tips of history. Revolutions that go appearing throughout the history of the theater in the direction to reaffirm to each innovation technique its hybrid potential, make to appear a diversity of contexts that can be observed throughout its development. In the simbolista chain the agreement that considered that the new theater could not resemble it a photograph of the daily one, as was the formula of the realistic theater impulsinou transformations, and made with that the space of palco suffered revolutionary changes, the scene would have to evoke images and to originate the action of the light in the new concept of scenic space, what it became primordial, therefore, from the light games, configure volumes and shades modifying the notion of space and time in palco.