Even more successful with the customers-suction system the construction industry expects for 2009 with revenues stagnating and from 2010 the recession will fend for themselves after expert opinions properly. This shows also the downward trend of the granted building permits. This fact means that the cake to be distributed for home contractors is small and it is to come up with something as it comes in the future to builders of new homes. With reasonable cost, interested parties must be won, that gradually become customers. A large supply of interested parties, which is constantly maintained, ensuring the survival of every construction company long term. How to get cheap on new clients? Contractors and home sellers are always the question: \”How to get cheap new customers?\” Often they are etc. >. is not satisfied with the results of fairs, newspaper ads, flyer distribution, Internet portals, or the cost / benefit ratio is too high. In addition the advertising measures are often only aligned in the short term and the individual measures are not long-term co-ordinated.
Often block also fears or obstructive internal beliefs in relation to marketing better results. And finally tailored marketing and sales not professionally on each other. Unique positioning as a basis for success. \”Why should a prospective buyer just when you buy?\” As contractors or solid home seller, who has no good answer to this question, will have a very difficult in the future. What is the goal of the company, or what is the vision? Here \”Houses sell or make money\” is not sufficient as a response. A home building contractor must be driven by a vision and for his benefit and for the benefit of his audience. Who doesn’t, lose sooner or later. For example, the goal of the regional leadership in well-aerated is a possible vision for a specific target group. The vision is to develop an analysis of the own strengths.