The developed activities in accordance with conception CTS generate situations where it has basic necessity of the learning of concepts and abilities. The approach of conception CTS is not properly basic the scientific concepts, but yes, the real problems that involve science and technology, that therefore pass to be considered important by the pupil. The pupils are encouraged to identify, to analyze and to apply scientific concepts in real situations, that is, problems of its daily one. In this Conception, the didactic book must be a resource that has an increasing importance in a system of massificado education, for which is necessary to assure a minimum of quality. The book must approach the concepts of chemistry from concrete facts, observed in the daily one of the student and to supply suggestions of diversified activities, that allow its use in different contexts. spread out chemical knowledge in the didactic book must allow the construction of articulated vision as the real life and with the world where the students live, respecting the diverse beliefs, ethnic and religious values, aspects.
It fits to the professor to be critical in its use so that it obtains to be strategist so that these resources if do not become an only source of research. She is necessary to manage with responsibility and to take off advantage of the resources that it possesss. Thus being, we look for to analyze as the subject ' ' Estequiometria' ' one meets structuralized in the didactic book, being that on the basis of the Curricular parameters and in education CTS the book presented the following characteristics: The didactic book ' ' Qumica and Sociedade' ' initially it presented a text that is a preliminary commentary. In this preliminary commentary, the authors look for to relate the chemical content with the social content. Such book presented central paper in the organization and aiming of practical in classroom and the metodolgicas options of the material pedagogical for professors they can very disclose of daily practical its and aspirations around the teach-learning process.