One of the most important criteria for land area is its remoteness from the city. Living in a private home in our time can not completely burn all the bridges and forget about the city. There is our job friends and relatives, theaters, restaurants, gyms, supermarkets, schools, museums, banks, dry cleaners – all the things that have not and probably never will be out of town. In other words, the reason to go to town, you will abound, and should assess in advance their ability to maximally acceptable to you away from it. Restricting the range to search for a suitable site, pay attention to how to transport routes will have to go every day. Not always you will get into the city by car, so ask about the regularity of movement of transport route and the distance from the nearest stop to the plot. Equally distant from the city plots in different directions may differ significantly from the time it takes to overcome that distance.
It affects a whole list of factors – the direction, quality and grade of the road, the number and size of settlements along the way, geographical features of the city and so on. And most importantly, pay attention to the features and download the main highways to avoid the many kilometers of queue for entry into city. To elucidate the other factors that could affect the value you liked the site, ask yourself if there is enough information about the area I possess? After all, it is a lot of pitfalls. We recommend all of these points to find out before you buy, that would build a house did not bring you bad surprises. Agree that the house is not arbours and cost much more, and you should not skimp on the preparation of land before construction. Check the area just in case the dosimeter. Ask about the analysis of drinking water, at what level of depth it is located. Avoid areas with the nearby powerful radio broadcasting, high-voltage power lines.
Make sure that your site is not buried debris in the form of remnants of the old foundation, pipes, old stumps. Remember that in this house you live and your children grow. Also, try to talk with your future neighbors on the development of land area as a whole and the total (including crime), the situation in its territory. How is the water area? Many popular suburban areas have drawback – a large depth of the aquifer. In some cases it is necessary to drill the depth of 60-80 meters to get to the water. Taking into account the cost of the equipment cost of drilling can reach fabulous sums. Often, the relative cheapness of land due to the presence of massive granite boulders in the thickness of the soil, preventing access to water. Water supply to the house can be from a collective (or city, village water supply, cooperative artesian wells) or the individual source (well, well.) Often the customer site without having access to water supply networks, thinks: "The site is not located in the desert, skvazhinku drilled. " But in practice things are not so simple. What are the local requirements and capabilities of the sewer? If there is a municipal sewage system, the question immediately removed. We just get permit to discharge wastewater in accordance with the needs of your future home and the possibilities of the networks themselves. But if there is no settlement of communications, we must reflect on local systems. And even more urgent this question if the site is located close to the water.