A successful strategy must penetrate the building, the staff and all processes as well as the customers. Long-term business goals and a clear strategy concept, developed taking into account the regional market conditions and competition, the basis of all activities. The building is on the concept to vote should have a good location, ambience and atmosphere meet the needs of the target group and be economical to run. The staff are to introduce ideally already during the construction phase of a new institution, the cultural identity of the company, the corporate identity, and emotion. The staff are lively expression of the brand and carrier of the images.
Residential and nursing homes, residences and assisted living are not perceived often at all by the public. Imminent or has already occurred long-term care by interested parties”and their families with great emotion. Objective of the external communication has a high Be recognition within the potential target groups in the regional market. The image of an institution and thus the trust which is placed her due to the trademark attributions of the public and professional referring physicians, is crucial for the first contact. All communicative means must be of high quality and always in the corporate design, the Visual identity of the company, to maximize the recognition and popularity. The subsequent sales processes and sales skills are critical, whether the customer is obtained after reached contact of a prospective customers or members of his. All phases are the potential customers and their opinion leaders, i.e.
national and professional referring physicians, E.g. social services, doctors, care services, as well as professional caregivers relevant target groups of communication. Building long-term customer relationships towards the long-term goal must be to identify of the customers and in particular its members by establishing! In addition to all PR and The local image of an institution is formed by the residents or tenants themselves advertising significantly by the relatives of the inhabitants or in residences and sheltered housing. A continuous systematic strategic nationals work as a continuation of the activities of image is elemental. The target is the nationals as a positive multiplier in the relevant market. Martin Servos / Frank Rohrl consultant Atelier Mulheim an der Ruhr