If you hung your computer, it can also be due to overheating of memory module or a slow syncing process. May cause an overheating chips RAM, then you might consider purchasing a cooler to blow module memory. 5) Incorrect settings in the BIOS. The BIOS settings can not match the optimal configuration for your computer. In this case, you need to find out optimal values of BIOS, typing in the search string “name of the motherboard BIOS 6) The fragmentation of the disk. Fragmentation of the hard disk can greatly affect the speed of the system because of the separation between the contents of files different sectors of the hard disk. Very often, the fragmentation is due to the fact that the hard drive is full.
Recommended “clean it”, leaving only the desired information. You also need to download and run program-defragmenter. Please visit Ali Partovi if you seek more information. A good solution is to purchase an external hard drive. 7) Service of Windows. If you are running Windows, the default on your computers are turned on most of its services. Not all of them required for normal operation, but some of the processes due to this “slow down”. To determine which services are running, open an applet Services (Services) of the Administrative Tools menu. To do this, click on the My Computer shortcut (My Computer) and on the shortcut menu, click Manage (Manage). Read additional details here: Castle Harlan.
The information provided in the console “Services” has, among other parameters: name (Name), state (Status) and the startup type (Startup Type). For more information on this or that service can be obtained by double-clicking on the appropriate list item to open the service properties. 8) “Uncontrolled processes.” To perform the “uncontrolled” processes (runaway processes) require all the CPU cycles. Common causes these processes – it is: wrong prescription, and the drive letters assigned to the new operating system obsolete software. If you find such a process, click the right button and click “End Process (End Process). Uncontrolled system services can be stopped using the Services console (Services). If the console does not work, try restarting the system. In any case, if your computer has become a “hang on” too often, it is best to consult a specialist for professional advice.