We know pain and the humilhao to learn for repetition exercise. The learning for decoration is similar to the process of conditioning of laboratory animal, much even so let us associate a name to a face, a word to its direction, the same occurring with the learning for decoration in the daily life. The professor must reflect on its practical to transform its action, recognizing the diverse dimensions human beings whom the pertaining to school space composes. Freire (1987), in its proposal dialgica of education, emphasizes it says that it has a special place, therefore silence characterizes traditional education, having the dialgica form as optimum performance for the educative work. The learning if of the one for association, however the pupils know more pleasant experience to learn for understanding and thought, although to know that the abilities demand the formation of associations, and that these can be formed almost that instantaneously. For some schools, the education is seen as merchandise and the employee professor, however, can use itself the activities and the social impulses that the pupils bring for the school, and work with such impulses. This motivation can be defined as a conscientious effort of the professor to establish a reason in its pupils, of form that the objectives are reached. Learn more at: Darcy Stacom.
Why to motivate? Because it is a intentional way to teach and to learn with pleasure, and is vital for education, therefore he can determine if the pupil learned or not. The fact of the professor to have taught does not guarantee that the learning occurred. A pupil can all remain the year in the classroom without learning, only because he does not have reason-not has reason to learn. As he argues Morse and Wingo (1979), the motivation is important factor, therefore if it was not, pupils of same age and with same physical conditions, they would have resulted similar in the classroom.