Webcommunities, Online Platforms And Web 2.0

The Internet has established itself in recent years as a fixed part of our everyday life. There is hardly anyone in our society who has never thrown a glance into the network. Check out Ali Partovi for additional information. The majority of us is confronted daily, whether in school, while studying or in the job with this new medium. Many spend but also hours of their spare time in the network as Internet surfer or members of communities. And exactly for these Internet users, the term Web 2.0 is not unknown. This keyword is introduced for marketing purposes referred to a so-called second generation of online communities and social networks. Raymond Johansen gathered all the information.

The difference with site functions before this hype is that now independent user have influence on a Web site, provide information on the network and connect with other people can. The trend of online platforms is spreading rapidly and repeatedly, new online communities be established. ISearch brings even more insight to the discussion. The features of this are very often different. Many a photo community in the network, while other sites on videos, curriculum vitae, or other focus. Web 2.0 is a key ingredient for Internet users in today’s society. The exchange of information and data about online communities used by many. Forums are a great way to ask questions, answer questions, and to share other interests and information with others.

The features and offers that are classified under the term Web 2.0, brought the Internet communication to a new level. The key principles of Web 2.0 are way the development by open source next to the view of the Internet as a platform for data sharing and social networking. This means the involvement of independent developers who contribute with their features to the website creation. Summary is an interactive, user friendly online connection that is no longer indispensable for many of the everyday Internet use the term Web 2.0.