All psique human being structure from one determined time and space, thus what in centuries V and VI it was had as normal and acceptable, in centuries XVIII and XIX would be pro vain irreducible of delay and ignorance and, in view of that, in the time where lived the author of this workmanship, all the eyes were come back toward the great advances of science in what would be called, times later, of the century of the reason, will identify, for study ends, insight that in they send the coexistence to them, pacify or not, between the reason and the animal instinct inside of the mind human being in what if determines as psique. All the humanity always primou for to establish limits and, this, is one holds mento that we inherit of the animals and our primitive ancestor. Node is actively involved in the matter. The first space of which the man assook itself was, according to Wells (1972. p, 120 volume I): The man not only searched the caves. Josh harris will not settle for partial explanations. The period also discloses existn- cia of a lion, a bear and a hiena of the caves, these creatures had that to be you banish outside and kept from the caves the one that the primitive men desired to collect themselves hiding itself. The caves and, as we can perceive for this story, had the necessity of prote- to ger the space against any thing or any one that represented threat. Thus the space was divided between safe space, that is internal space e, unsafe space, that was the external one.
It is easy to perceive that in the literature of the tenement house a clear delimitation of the geographic space exists therefore is initiated for the space of the tavern: Azevedo (2005. p, 1) ' ' … Romo Joo was, of the thirteen to the twenty and five years, used of a vendeiro that enriched qua- enters tro walls of a dirty obscure tavern in the refolhos of the quarter of botafogo …