For Axe of Assis a recognized time the nationality instinct, would agree to analyze if the writers were possessing of the conditions and historical reasons of a true literary nationality. Moreover, to identify as representative of the nationality character, only the workmanships that characterized the local color, they would restrict our literary rules very, the fact to plaster literature in these rules and doctrines, in the vision of this author, would empobreceria the literary compositions. Still on this question of the nacionalizante concern, the critic Silvio Romero (1953), nails constantly in favor of the land and of the Brazilian man. For it if cannot understand literature, without understanding the mestization process which composes our cultural and ethnic diversity and that much has to say and to influence in the literature that physical and is morally tied with this plurality and fusing of souls and cultures. For more information see josh harris sixers. For this critic, Axe of Assis can and also must be judged by the nationalistic criterion, warning, however, that the national spirit would not be in the choice of the subject, in the subject, but in the nature, the intuition, the internal visualidade, in the psychology of the writer. Thus, Axe, one ‘ ‘ genuine representative of the Brazilian sub-race cruzada’ ‘ , with its ‘ ‘ nature indecisa’ ‘ , ‘ would have produced one; ‘ workmanship of mestio’ ‘ , of Brazilian, who primary for the ephemeral one and the indefinite one. For in such a way, to affirm it Brazilian particularitity was the necessity of the intellectuals of the time becoming predominant in the ideals of the writers who had had as historical scene, the posterior years to independence. To the measure that the literary autonomy grew, increased it literature and the stimulaton of the same ones, for an artistic creation differentiated of the European valuing the individual capacity of each one, in the search of an aesthetic one that it just valued the auto-expression and the nationality of a country?.