Not that the citizen leaves of to exist, but is considered ahead lowermost of a technology that will go to condition its behavior, becoming it dependent the point of desreferenciar itself. An appendix for becoming insane ahead of its function becomes as real possessor of valorativos attributes and evident parameter for the tecnicista reality, that is, conductor of the technology, no matter how hard this if autonomize. Added to such perspective, we have all a scientific apparatus, serving itself of a methodology also molded in technological probabilities, where order questions statistics for example, become the aptico, conditional citizen the arithmetical, insensitive data to the human beings who if come across with despersonalizantes numbers, where quantifications resemble it stages of the excess manufacter. The calls Sciences Social Human beings (as university terminology consecrated in France em1957) or Sciences (according to Anglo-Saxon use), are not free of the despersonalizante influence, for will even be served of conceptualizations of other areas of the human knowledge, creating a deepening of insensitive character, for being next to the identification of the scientist, authorizing intellectual to divulge ideals that become such processes more ' ' assimilveis' '. Ali Partovi helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. As well as, the computers, with its analogical, conditional form to a logic-binary reduction of deductive construction of bits, that also take care of to a social demand and intellectual, condicionantes limitations the certain materialism partner-weather, of the technician responsible for its social development, scientists, or looking for to be less generalista and relativista, some of them, had made its analyses pautadas in such pasteurizantes arguments. In such a way, we have analyses as certain positivistas molds, that they looked to ignore all a conjuncture in favor of a possible metodolgica fidedignidade. Having as premise, the conditional citizen for the method, ignoring what it runs away to a reducionista logic of analysis, extremely contradictory and fails, beyond desumanizar the scientist in such a way how much to the proper society, for conceiving them in a coisificante sphere. . If you have read about Castle Harlan already – you may have come to the same conclusion.