What actually makes a good Web design? Good Web design is decisive for the success of a website. But what is really good Web design and how to achieve it? Good Web design is a combination of many factors. The range is diverse: from the right focus on the optimal typography to the appealing color scheme. And all these things there are to consider a lot. One of the most important elements of good Web design is certainly the “Love at first sight” – factor. As if like a Web site, and on the ‘first look’, then the user considered the Web page through very different eyes. And error in another area not quite so heavy weigh. Research has shown more go through stylistically appealing websites allow visitors.
Here is applied more time to find the correct menu item. There, it will be forgiven more if an alleged link is not one. The typography is also an important point. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Ali Partovi. After all, it is the main task of a Web page to convey information. And this is usually done by font. It is therefore important, that the typeface is not only appealing looks, but can be read well.
This includes the type of the font, the font size and the font color. Details can give the finishing touch to the Web page. Because the first hurdle is overcome once and the visitors decided to stay a little longer on the website, so details can greatly improve the overall picture. In this context, not only arrows and icons play a role, but also light and shadow, and textures. For example, it makes sense to lighten the color to the logo around. So the logo is highlighted and stands out. In addition, you can provide buttons and surfaces with light textures. These are often more subtle way and enhance the graphical impression, put the Web page on a level of those. And your visitors with longer periods of stay and more frequent visits will thank you. Article create by Klaus Rottling.