This algorithm may be needed in programs loaders, whose task is to download files from the Internet, such as software download master, or application for that process web pages. The latter Related different kinds of parsers that process and downloaders from the pages of the chosen site opredelonogo opredennomu pattern information, or similar software is the task of downloading the full site given argument. Implement this task can be in three different ways. First, using the standard components of Delphi IDE for working with the network about this method can be found in the book Foundations of Delphi. Professional approach. Second, with help functions Win32 – it is the most difficult option, but the code get the most 'fast', use it if you want to achieve the fastest possible execution and most optimal and easy option with help Delphi library functions, they are based on the Win32 API. uses URLMon; … function DLFile (Source, File: string): boolean; begin try Result: = UrlDownloadToFile (nil, PChar (Source), PChar (File), 0, nil) = 0; / / Source – a source from which the file is downloaded, or the page / / File – the path on your computer to save the downloaded file or page funnaly Result: = false; / / in case error function is not nothing sledaet and the program will exit with a message about a critical error, just nothing happens end; end; Example: procedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); begin DownloadFile ('', 'c: working stolsite. com.txt '); end; This alternative solution is the best if you have to use operating system functions that would have to write a lot of extra code to check peredavaymyh parameters, checking the value returned by the functions and etc. In the case of components subject to the mandatory use of forms that do not always really need and create them just because you do not know how realzovat a particular algorithm is Group.
Month: February 2015
The Perspective
The strategic objectives are the first sphere of the application of this analytical information. The strategic objective is the formulation of the desired change in the society. In other words, the realization of the strategic objective can be seen as the chance. The risks are considered as factors, which hinder the achievement of strategic objectives. If we look at the process of the development of the balanced scorecard and the introduction of the system of management, we notice that they combine two strokes.
The system of tax risks, as well as the system of the BSC, is based on the use of key figures (so-called early indicators). Both in the tax system the risks, as well as in the system of the BSC, there are events that are necessary for the achievement of the goals and the reduction of risks. Regarding the integration of the management system and the system of the BSC so the following variants are possible: the integration of indicators that characterize the risks in the system of the BSC. the addition of the BSC with the perspective of the risks, the development of the special system the risk-BSC, the inclusion of the aspects associated with the risks in the system of the strategic objectives of the BSC. A simple distribution of indicators that characterize the risks, from the perspectives of the balanced scorecard is insufficient. Regardless of the systematization of the risks, the question about the cause-effect relationships remains unresolved between the risks and the strategic goals of the company. One of the ways is a new perspective (risk management) in addition to the classic system of the BSC. A lack of such variant is the violation of the logic of cause-effect relationships between four perspectives of BSC.
The third variant is the compilation of the special system of score card for the opportunities and risks of the company. Such approach stresses the importance of the tax system of the risks in the company. (The opportunities) are considered in the development of the strategy.