The madrileno musician is former member of the Board of Directors of the General Society of authors and editors (SGAE). If offences are certain, at last we will know who are the bad guys really. Bautista and other two directors of the SGAE have been released with charges after declaring before the judge Pablo Ruz. The controversial image of the SGAE The entity’s management relies on their executives. The musician Ramoncin, former member of the Board of Directors of the General Society of authors and editors (SGAE), has expressed his intention of personally carried the SGAE to the courts: when I went there in 2007 I stated that if anyone, in the 18 years in which I was working, had gotten the hand in the drawer, I denunciaria the situation before a judge. () If finally proves that all the accusations are true, I will be consistent with my words, he said in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine. The musician made these statements before the sunset knew this Sunday in freedom Baptist charges along with other two directors of the SGAE, once declare before Judge Pablo Ruz. About the police operation against the SGAE, Ramoncin has clarified that if the judge concludes that the crimes of diversion of funds and misappropriation that accusing several directors of the entity are true, the end will show who are the bad guys really.
The madrileno musician has been surprised and disappointed by the arrest of nine members of the senior management of the SGAE (including its President, Teddy Bautista), some of them known him: I can’t believe that Neri (in rrencia Jose Luis Rodriguez Neri, director of the Sociedad Digital de Autores), my friend and my idol of youthis involved in this serious matter. On the other hand, discards the rest of the SGAE partners know alleged misappropriation and corporate crimes that detainees are accused. Is it possible that nobody at the SGAE knew what was does going on?, he wondered. And concluded: I am convinced that the accused, if all this is true, acted back to the Board and to all the partners. It would be impossible otherwise. The President of the Sociedad General de Autores y Editores (SGAE), Eduardo Teddy Bautista, was arrested Friday along with other 8 members of the dome of the SGAE, and after declaring before the judge Ruz, has been released with charges along with other two directors of the entity. The judge, in turn, has decreed precautionary measures, such as the prohibition of exit from the national territory for the three involved. Source of the news: Ramoncin: “If you show the accusations against the SGAE, myself I take before a judge”